Oh, Autumn

Start time: 10/25/11, 5:50am
Location: National Mall
Distance: 5.32 miles
Average pace: 9:57min/mile
Total Miles For October: 55 miles
Total Miles For 2011: 566 miles
Current Shoes: 107 miles

There’s something particularly lovely about early autumn running weather. At first you’re thinking, it’s a bit crisp/cold, maybe you needed a second layer… and then about a mile or so in, you warm up just the right amount and it’s perfect. Cool temperatures keep you from getting too sweaty/overheaded, but internal body temperature keeps you from getting too cold. And then afterwards, you get in that hot shower and your hands burst to life all over again as they warm up and you realize that they were colder than the rest of your body.

Time to enjoy it while I can, before it gets really cold!