Start time: 8/16/11, 6:00am
Location: National Mall
Distance: 4.1 miles
Average pace: 10:28min/mile
Total Miles For August: 27 miles
Total Miles For 2011: 457 miles
For the past two months I’ve been a little bad about updating my running log. Finally put them all in yesterday (although I “backdated” all but the triathlon so if you’re reading via an LJ Friends Feed, you didn’t get flooded)… and then failed to actually enter yesterday’s run.
Anyway, I took all of last week off because my left knee has been a little sore for the first half mile of my runs (and on my last 14-miler a week and a half ago, got sore again toward the end of the run). Been stretching, taking it easy, that sort of thing. And then it finally hit me yesterday what the problem may very well be: I’m way overdue to change my shoes. As in, at 128% of the amount run on them before I normally swap them out. Whoops.
(And in the past when I’ve done this, I’ve had some knee soreness.)
So while I had more soreness at the start of the run yesterday, I have my new shoes today. So hopefully by Thursday or Saturday everything should be back to normal?