
Start time: 8/6/11, 6:00am
Location: National Mall, Hains Point, Shaw, Logan Circle, Dupont Circle, Washington Circle
Distance: 13.94 miles
Average pace: 10:27min/mile
Total Miles For August: 23 miles
Total Miles For 2011: 453 miles

The last of the two months of entries I’m just getting around the posting! (To spare everyone, I “backdated” all of the entries after the triathlon, to try and avoid flooding LiveJournal feeds. In theory they shouldn’t have shown up.)

This was two 7-milers; the first with Ben, Jim, and Michael; the second one adding on John, Stephanie, and Rich. This was actually not a good run for several reasons. First, my knee started bugging me again at the end of the run, along with my ankle. A very unpleasant final two miles.

And second, at the start of the second 7-miler, we had some of the group make it through a light but other people didn’t. The people in the lead tried to keep pushing on… but it was a new route that only I knew, and I made us wait for them so they weren’t lost half a mile into the course. If it was a course everyone knew I would’ve been “well, we’re all adults” but it didn’t feel right to abandon them. There were definitely some grouchy feelings from a few people for the rest of the run. Oh well.

Anyway, after this run I ended up taking a week off of running to let things rest and hopefully heal…