Start time: 2/7/11, 4:50pm
Location: Custis Trail, W&OD Trail
Distance: 8 miles
Average pace: 9:46min/mile
Total Miles For February: 11 miles
Total Miles For 2011: 62 miles
The plan was to run 8 miles on Saturday morning… but we had friends in from out of town over the weekend, and 8:30pm dinner reservations at Citronelle, followed by not being able to fall asleep, meant that at 5am I was on about 1 hour of sleep, and starting a run at 7:30 simply was not going to happen. So I sent a quick “I am totally not coming” e-mail and turned off the alarm.
Anyway, I made it up today since the weather is so freaking awesome. Started at where the Custis Trail hits Spout Run and ran all the way to the end at the W&OD, then ran up it a little bit to add on some extra distance before turning back around. The trail’s almost completely clear (hurrah!), just one or two tiny ridges of snow/ice here and there. Custis Trail still slows me down, and I am still a bit slower than where I want to be, but it was nice to get out there and it was even nice to run on the evil Custis. No, really. Honest.
(9:11, 9:35, 9:32, 10:15, 9:59, 10:14, 9:44, 9:31)