Start time: 1/16/11, 5:00pm
Location: TJ Community Center
Distance: 4 miles
Average pace: 8:19min/mile
Total Miles For January: 28 miles
Total Miles For 2011: 28 miles
Plan 1 was to run with my group Saturday morning. It was going to be just four of us, but then one by one everyone else dropped out (sudden family-related departure the day before, injury, sickness) and since it was just me I decided I would rather just go back to bed.
Plan 2 was to run in the afternoon after an SPX planning meeting, but it came down to needing a mental stress break instead involving cleaning my cluttered living room before I went berserk.
Plan 3 was to finally run an interval workout at the gym this afternoon, except I realized once I got there that I’d left my watch at home. And if I went back to get it, by the time I returned I wouldn’t have enough to run the workout (including its warm-up and cooldown miles) before the gym closed. Whoops.
So! Plan 4 was to just run a four miler on the track and to track my overall time using how far I made it into a Wait Wait! Don’t Tell Me… episode. Good enough.