
Start time: 8/1/09, 7:15am
Location: Rosslyn & Cap Crescent Trail
Distance: 12 miles
Average pace: 9:45min/mile
Total Miles For August: 12 miles
Total Miles For 2009: 471 miles

Wow, that was a craptacular end to a run. I bombed out big time in the last two miles, ugh. Finally told Charlie (whom I was running with) to just go ahead for the last half mile or so. Talk about running out of gas and overheating, big time. Oh well.

(9:57, 9:38, 9:21, 9:27, 9:36, 9:45, 9:26, 9:40, 9:34, 9:47, 10:13, 10:40)

2 thoughts on “Ka-boom

  1. I haven’t set up my watch to do mile splits yet. I used to be such a technology wizard, but now I’m a late adopter helpless sort. I guess that’s what being a practicing attorney does to a man …

    1. There’s nothing quite like having to re-learn how to use new watches… In my (older and more antiquated than yours) Forerunner 301 there’s a menu that has an “auto lap” function where you can tell it to lap at every mile. Hopefully there’s something easy to find on the 305!

      (Although for this run I actually used my old normal watch. It helped that it’s exactly two miles from my home to where marker 10.5 would be for the Cap Crescent Trail (34th St & Water St) so I just marked them off the old fashioned way. Fortunately the missing 7.0 marker wasn’t needed!)

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