Start Time: 9/18/08, 7:15am
Location: Arlington Boulevard Trail
Distance: ~3.25 miles & 2 miles
Average Pace: ~8:37min/mile & 10:00min/mile
Total Miles For September: 20 miles
Another “28 minutes of hell” workout (4 repeats of fast 2, slow 2, faster 1, slow 1, still faster 30 sec, slow 30 sec), which I hadn’t done in a while. I’m not entirely convinced that I really got the fast/faster/faster still paces down pat, but I was definitely moving, and I also clocked more distance in those 28 minutes than with the others, so that’s something. I am a little glad I hadn’t gone overboard and attempted the “48 minutes of hell” workout instead, though. Maybe next week. (3/3/2/2/1/1)