Start time: 03/05/05, 9:00am
Location: W&OD Trail
Distance: 10 miles
Run:Walk ratio: 4:1
Average pace: 11:45min/mile
I’ve got two short races in the next month: the St. Patrick’s Day 10K on March 12th, and the Cherry Blossom 10-Miler on April 3rd. Both promise to be a lot of fun, but I can’t help but feel like if I’m going to get really good PRs for both events (and barring disaster, I really should!) I need to get out there again. I’ve been pretty slack in February about running during the week, and I felt it on Saturday. Randy and Katie and I ran six miles together around a 12:15min/mile pace, then Randy and I kicked out four more closer to a 10:30min/mile pace. It felt really nice to pick up some speed, but I was definitely huffing and puffing at the end. Clearly, slacker time is over! Time to get moving again…