Start time: 01/11/05, 8:00pm
Location: Gold’s Gym
Distance: ~3.66 miles
Average pace: ~10:54min/mile
Time: 40 minutes
Oops, forgot to post this yesterday. It was raining here in DC so I went over to the gym and ran on the treadmill. (Thus the approximations, because treadmills are almost never accurate. It’s a rough guess at best.) In the 40 minutes I ran on the treadmill, I saw no less than three groups of new gym members get tours of the facility and I had to chuckle. Don’t get me wrong, if they stick with it then hurrah for them, that’s fantastic that they actually made a change and went with it. But it’s just like my running trail every year; January is full of new faces, sometimes even into early February, and then you never see them again. It’s a pity, but also a statement on how we treat making change in our life. It ain’t easy most of the time and it’s far, far simpler to give up. To this day I’m not entirely sure why I didn’t, but I’m glad I stuck it through.