Monthly Archives: August 2009


Start time: 8/6/09, 7:00am
Location: North Arlington
Distance: 5 miles
Average pace: 8:26min/mile
Total Miles For August: 25 miles
Total Miles For 2009: 484 miles

When I woke up this morning, I could hear a faint sound of rain, but it seemed to fade away so I decided I’d run outside instead of suffering through the indoor track. As it turned out, there was still a faint drizzle when I ran. Not so much that it was pouring, but enough that my glasses were covered at the end of my run. I was glad that I stuck to my guns, though, and added on a fifth mile like I’d told myself I would do the previous night. I ran my regular four mile loop, then ran the other direction for half a mile and turned around and came back. With that last half-mile being a slight uphill grade, it was tougher than normal finish but I felt like I pushed through well.

Run Bike Run

Start time: 8/5/09, 6:10am
Location: North Arlington
Distance: 2 miles & 2 miles
Average pace: 8:13min/mile & 8:16min/mile
Total Miles For August: 20 miles
Total Miles For 2009: 479 miles

Greg vs the duathlon! Sort of.

To switch things up a bit this morning, I got up early and ran the first two miles of my 4-mile loop, which conveniently has my gym just past the 2-mile point. I changed my shirt, headed in, and went to spinning class… well, except the instructor never showed up. (Oops!) Still, I did get my 45 minutes of cycling in, just without someone pushing us extremely hard. (One of the people in the class did lead us as best she could, though, which was nice.) Then, I grabbed my stuff, jogged over to where I’d left off, and ran the remaining two miles home. It was a nice little way to have transitions of sorts, and to make the morning a little more exciting. Plus, the plan was to go get burgers and fries at lunch today, so an extra caloric burn was definitely a good thing.

Hot and Tired

Start time: 8/4/09, 7:30am
Location: North Arlington
Distance: 4 miles
Average pace: 8:16min/mile
Total Miles For August: 16 miles
Total Miles For 2009: 475 miles

Slightly later start than I’d really wanted today. After being at a wedding until late Sunday night followed by a 7am flight home, though, I was seriously beat. So beat that I didn’t wake up until the alarm went off this morning (a rarity) and then it took me forever and a day to get going. That said, despite being tired and the humidity to boot, it was a good (if sweaty) four mile run.

Confidential to the guy in the white undershirt and the Notre Dame basketball shorts: I genuinely felt uncomfortable looking at your choice of running clothes, and the fact that (when we were both stopped at Pershing & Washington) you commented on how hot it was? Please, please, please consider switching over to a technical fabric for a shirt at the very least. I think you’ll feel a little better. (Good pace though!)


Start time: 8/1/09, 7:15am
Location: Rosslyn & Cap Crescent Trail
Distance: 12 miles
Average pace: 9:45min/mile
Total Miles For August: 12 miles
Total Miles For 2009: 471 miles

Wow, that was a craptacular end to a run. I bombed out big time in the last two miles, ugh. Finally told Charlie (whom I was running with) to just go ahead for the last half mile or so. Talk about running out of gas and overheating, big time. Oh well.

(9:57, 9:38, 9:21, 9:27, 9:36, 9:45, 9:26, 9:40, 9:34, 9:47, 10:13, 10:40)