Category Archives: 04mi


Start time: 6/7/10, 8:00pm
Location: North Arlington
Distance: 4 miles
Average pace: 8:56min/mile
Total Miles For June: 7 miles
Total Miles For 2010: 287 miles

Whole bunch of things.

  1. After Friday’s crappy run, I owe Cristina a huge thanks for making me feel not quite as bad about what was a bad, bad morning. It let me regroup a little bit later in the day and start moving forward again.
  2. I ended up taking the weekend off of exercise. I have been really tired for the past two weeks and I decided it was more important to just try and recharge as best I could, even if that meant having some shakier exercise in the next week or so. Trying to think long term here. I’d signed up for a practice tri on Saturday morning, and I’d really hoped on working on the swim, T1 transition, and then bike progression. As it turned out, they had some sort of problem with the pool so instead it was a duathlon (run-bike-run) instead of a triathlon (swim-bike-run). It’s nice to feel sometimes like you made the right choice by skipping an event; I’d have been mad if I’d talked myself into going only to have what I really wanted unavailable.
  3. Signed up for a July and August lap swimming class, today, which will get me through the months where the children have taken over Spring Hill Rec Center’s pool during the afternoon.
  4. Went running tonight and it was… ok. A lot of huffing and puffing, but nothing bad like last Friday. My pace is still off where it was a few weeks ago, but I’ve also been running much less. Slowly getting back there I guess. Glad to have gone out and done it and I’m not displeased. I’m glad it was cool out though because I was still overheating by the end.
  5. I hope my new running shoes arrive at Pacers soon because these ones have had it. Ouch.
  6. There were fireflies coming out as I was finishing my run, and that made me more happy than you can possibly imagine.

(8:52, 8:45, 8:56, 9:09)

Just a run

Start time: 4/29/10, 5:45pm
Location: North Arlington
Distance: 4 miles
Average pace: 8:37min/mile
Total Miles For April: 58 miles
Total Miles For 2010: 239 miles

Felt like crap while out running today, unfortunately. Toughed through it but sometimes it just doesn’t click. Ah well.

(8:21, 8:29, 8:47, 8:51)

Beautiful Day

Start time: 3/18/10, 6:00pm
Location: W&OD Trail
Distance: 4 miles
Average pace: 8:42min/mile
Total Miles For March: 47 miles
Total Miles For 2010: 166 miles

One last 4-miler before Sunday’s race; it was an awfully gorgeous day this afternoon.

(8:35, 8:54, 8:55, 8:25)


Start time: 3/6/10, 7:30am & 10:30am
Location: Hains Point, West Potomac Park, National Mall; North Arlington
Distance: 10 miles & 4 miles
Average pace: 9:59min/mile & 9:14min/mile
Total Miles For March: 22 miles
Total Miles For 2010: 141 miles

Went running with my group today for 10 miles, which is always a real pleasure. Even with walk breaks we picked up the pace a bit the last four or so miles, which was a nice feeling. I’d originally planned on running 12 miles (and tacking on two more at the end) but everyone else was heading to Starbucks and I decided that sounded like much more fun. (My old Garmin GPS is continuing to glitch, but fortunately Michael was leading the pack and his much newer one seemed to be hitting the right marks. Mine slid about a tenth of a mile halfway through and it was rather obvious; suddenly we’d magically tacked on an extra minute for no good reason according to mine, but Michael’s had us at the usual pace and was beeping at the .9 mile points. Argh. Time to replace it soon.)

Except afterwards I felt guilty from my chai latte and piece of coffee cake, so when I got home I changed my shirt and then ran my old 4-mile loop, which aside from two small sections is now finally snow-free. (I just have to run on the opposite side of the street for the start and end of the loop.) I had a stitch in my side for that (probably from the coffee cake) but I pushed through anyway. Mission accomplished!

(for the 4-miler: 9:17, 9:06, 9:18, 9:13)

Stupid Custis Trail

Start time: 3/4/10, 6:45pm
Location: Custis Trail
Distance: 4 miles
Average pace: 9:33min/mile
Total Miles For March: 8 miles
Total Miles For 2010: 127 miles

Wow, that sucked.

It’s been ages since I ran on the Custis Trail. I hadn’t planned on doing so—I was aiming to run on the W&OD Trail after work—but I got out of the office much later than I thought and it was fairly dark. Since the Custis Trail is lit (unlike most of W&OD unfortunately) I thought I’d do the responsible thing and run there instead. Only problem is that Custis Trail is one of the hilliest running courses in the area. Lots of straight up and down hills that kick my ass every time I run them. When I used to run with Pacers, on Tuesdays I’d run in Old Town and Thursdays I’d run in Clarendon on Custis (or was it the other way around?) and it was always a huge time difference with Custis.

Anyway, it clearly had been too long since I’d done some serious hill work; on the second mile there was one hill that kicked my ass so thoroughly that I actually ended up walking for about 10 seconds just to get to the top. Bleah. On the bright side, yesterday my right foot had been a tiny bit sore and I figured out the reason today, with the heel lift in my right shoe having slid out of position. (It’s there to help my right calf from getting strained.) Soon as I put it back, problem solved. Now if only the hills were that easy to slay! I guess I know what I need to do more of… unfortunately…

(8:49, 10:03, 9:59, 9:22)


Start time: 3/3/10, 6:10pm & 7:15pm
Location: TJ Community Center
Distance: 2 miles & 2 miles
Average pace: 8:12min/mile & 8:30min/mile
Total Miles For March: 4 miles
Total Miles For 2010: 123 miles

Wednesday was a bit of an experiment; I’d missed Tuesday’s run due to jet lag, so I decided that I’d try and get some running in either before or after spinning class. By the time I got there, I was too early for the 6:30 start, but too late to get 4 miles in. So instead, I ran two miles, then did my 45 minute spin class, then skipped the cool down and dismantling of the bike (don’t worry, I cleared it with the instructor in advance) and immediately ran 2 more miles. Considering I felt a tiny bit wobbly at first from the transition, I’d say only picking up 18 seconds per mile was a nice accomplishment. (Then I went back and wiped down and took apart the bike as well as did some cool-down stretches.)

(8:15 & 8:10; 8:29 & 8:31)


Start time: 12/29/09, 7:00am
Location: TJ Community Center
Distance: 4 miles
Average pace: 8:35min/mile
Total Miles For December: 89 miles
Total Miles For 2009: 867 miles

I’m a big wimp when it comes to winter running. So when I heard that wind gusts would be up to 50mph this morning and it would feel like 15 degrees? Off to the indoor track it was…

(8:51, 8:34, 8:30, 8:23)

Yay for rain!

Start time: 12/26/09, 1:30pm
Location: North Arlington
Distance: 4 miles
Average pace: 8:38min/mile
Total Miles For December: 77 miles
Total Miles For 2009: 855 miles

Yay! Some rain came last night and melted a lot of the snow out on the sidewalks. Not all of it, alas—anywhere it was piled up still has snow, especially at the corners of streets. So I still had to do some serious snow dodging, but I’d say 80-90% of the sidewalks were completely clear. It felt good to do a short run and try and undo some of the approximately 8000 calories I ate yesterday. (I wish that was an exaggeration.)

(8:32, 8:27, 8:49, 8:43)

Still sleepy

Start time: 12/15/09, 8:00am
Location: North Arlington
Distance: 4 miles
Average pace: 8:24min/mile
Total Miles For December: 60 miles
Total Miles For 2009: 838 miles

I have got to try and get to bed earlier. Ended up tired and groggy this morning—again—and got a later start than I’d wanted. I’d also originally planned on taking advantage of the balmy temperatures (47 degrees when I left!) and do a 5-miler, but I was so tired (and getting a later start) that I ended up just doing the normal 4-miler route. A little stiff at first but not too bad. Certainly better than Sunday!

(8:38, 8:20, 8:30, 8:08)


Start time: 12/8/09, 5:30pm
Location: TJ Community Center
Distance: 4 miles
Average pace: 8:33min/mile
Total Miles For December: 31 miles
Total Miles For 2009: 809 miles

Oops, I’m a week behind now. My data for the other two workouts isn’t handy, but I do have Tuesday’s laps on my watch. I was still feeling a little stiff on Tuesday, but I forced myself to knock out four miles on the (bleah) indoor track. I really should have gotten up before work and run, but it just didn’t happen. I really need to get better about going to bed at a decent hour so I can actually wake up and do exercise. I used to be better about this. Anyway, the run started out in a “just go slow and do something” but once everything loosened up I felt a bit better.

(9:03, 8:40, 8:23, 8:06)