Category Archives: 04mi

Back on the horse

Start time: 3/29/11, 6:00am
Location: Washington, DC
Distance: 4.3 miles
Average pace: 10:11min/mile
Total Miles For March: 70 miles
Total Miles For 2011: 168 miles

Met some of the guys for their 6am run down along the Mall, partially to get my butt moving again, partially to give Ben back his phone (which was accidentally left in my car after the race). Aside from an extra walk break in mile 2 so someone could perform emergency kidney maintenance (so to speak), uneventful. (And pleasant.)

(10:09, 11:13, 9:56, 9:38, 2:56)

Kcirb + Bleah

Start time: 3/9/11, 6:00pm
Location: TJ Community Center
Distance: 3 miles
Average pace: 8:30min/mile
Total Miles For March: 19 miles
Total Miles For 2011: 117 miles

Oops! Catching up on entries here. Wednesday was a 3-miler before spin class, due to missing Tuesday’s planned run. No complaints.

(8:28, 8:29, 8:34)

Start time: 3/10/11, 4:45pm
Location: TJ Community Center
Distance: 4 miles
Average pace: 8:37min/mile
Total Miles For March: 23 miles
Total Miles For 2011: 121 miles

We had tickets Thursday nights for Madama Butterfly, so I got into work early enough that I could knock out a run afterwards. With the rain still bucketing down I decided I’d rather not drown and (alas) went for the indoor track again. I was hoping for 5 miles but I felt like crap the entire time I was running. Sometimes it just never quite clicks internally and this was one of them.

(8:37, 8:33, 8:44, 8:35)

Spin Sandwich

Start time: 3/2/11, 6:10pm & 7:20pm
Location: TJ Community Center
Distance: 2 x 2 miles
Average pace: 8:31min/mile
Total Miles For March: 4 miles
Total Miles For 2011: 102 miles

That cold ended up knocking me for a bad loop, but this morning it appeared to be 100% gone. Didn’t have time to run in the morning and enjoy the great weather, alas, but when I got to the gym for spinning I had time for 2 miles. So I decided I’d do an indoor duathlon (or as I jokingly renamed it, a spin sandwich) and put 2 miles at either end of spinning class. All in all, worked pretty well.

(8:36, 8:23, 8:33, 8:29)

Sans everything

Start time: 1/16/11, 5:00pm
Location: TJ Community Center
Distance: 4 miles
Average pace: 8:19min/mile
Total Miles For January: 28 miles
Total Miles For 2011: 28 miles

Plan 1 was to run with my group Saturday morning. It was going to be just four of us, but then one by one everyone else dropped out (sudden family-related departure the day before, injury, sickness) and since it was just me I decided I would rather just go back to bed.

Plan 2 was to run in the afternoon after an SPX planning meeting, but it came down to needing a mental stress break instead involving cleaning my cluttered living room before I went berserk.

Plan 3 was to finally run an interval workout at the gym this afternoon, except I realized once I got there that I’d left my watch at home. And if I went back to get it, by the time I returned I wouldn’t have enough to run the workout (including its warm-up and cooldown miles) before the gym closed. Whoops.

So! Plan 4 was to just run a four miler on the track and to track my overall time using how far I made it into a Wait Wait! Don’t Tell Me… episode. Good enough.

Happy to run

Start time: 1/12/11, 4:00pm
Location: TJ Community Center
Distance: 4 miles
Average pace: 8:31min/mile
Total Miles For January: 24 miles
Total Miles For 2011: 24 miles

Didn’t get much sleep last night (had to get some work done last night and this morning too) so I’ve been dragging all day. With that in mind, my thoughts of doing an interval workout were quickly scuppered. Glad to just get four miles done and not collapse into a pile of tiredness. Maybe intervals next week.

(9:05, 8:30, 8:09, 8:18)

I Hate You, Indoor Track

Start time: 1/10/11, 6:30pm
Location: TJ Community Center
Distance: 4 miles
Average pace: 8:28min/mile
Total Miles For January: 20 miles
Total Miles For 2011: 20 miles

I hate the indoor track. I hate running after dark in the winter. I am still not sure which is worse. But at any rate, I am determined to get two weekday runs in a week (among other exercising) once more, and since I have a meeting in the morning and dinner plans after work, I shifted Tuesday’s run to today. (Hopefully I can still get some gym time or a swim in tomorrow, but we’ll see.)

Anyway, felt as unmotivated as ever when it came to that stupid track. I think next time to mix things up I might try go to back to some of Fred’s old speed workouts (like the “28 minutes of hell” or the sequels involving 48 and 72 minutes), or something, because it blows. Also, several stupid people walking or stopping in the middle of the lanes marked for running. One of whom I almost ran into and I kind of wish I did. I really should’ve complained the management but oh well. I will be glad when newbie season is over.

(8:30, 8:24, 8:21, 8:36)

Hiding from the Wind

Start time: 12/27/10, 4:30pm
Location: TJ Community Center
Distance: 2×2 miles
Average pace: 8:18min/mile
Total Miles For December: 44 miles
Total Miles For 2010: 629 miles

Heavy winds knocked out the power lines at work, so I ended up working at home this afternoon, and decided to take a short break and go for a run. Well, the idea was to go outside, but it’s so ludicrously windy (up to 40-50mph) that I decided perhaps inside was a better option. Brrrrrrr.

My left foot was a little crampy so after the second mile I stopped and walked a quarter mile before deciding it was all right and did two more. Overall, it seems I was at least consistent.

(8:21 & 8:18, 8:16 & 8:18)

Snow day

Start time: 12/16/10, 3:45pm
Location: TJ Community Center
Distance: 4 miles
Average pace: 8:36min/mile
Total Miles For December: 25 miles
Total Miles For 2010: 610 miles

Missed Tuesday’s run thanks to a combination of a family visit, and oral surgery on Monday. Things are feeling better now, though, so I popped over to the community center this afternoon (once the snow stopped) and knocked out four miles. Didn’t feel great doing them, but it was better than nothing.

(8:44, 8:35, 8:28, 8:37)


Start time: 12/9/10, 6:30pm
Location: TJ Community Center
Distance: 2 miles & 2 miles
Average pace: 8:43min/mile & 8:22min/mile
Total Miles For December: 13 miles
Total Miles For 2010: 598 miles

Headed to the gym after work today and knocked down two miles on the track, then did a little bit of upper body weight work, then back to two more miles. (Am trying to get the upper body work done on spinning days, but since I shifted my run to spin day, weights shifted to here. Very exciting, I know.)

(8:46 & 8:41, 8:23 & 8:21)

Evening Run

Start time: 10/21/10, 5:00pm
Location: North Arlington
Distance: 4 miles
Average pace: 8:38min/mile
Total Miles For October: 27 miles
Total Miles For 2010: 544 miles

Ended up getting little sleep the night before this run, so it got postponed until immediately after work.

(8:30, 8:52, 8:42, 8:29)