Start time: 07/03/05, 8:00am
Location: W&OD Trail
Distance: 2 miles & 4 miles
Run:Walk ratio: all running & 5:1
Average pace: 9:30min/mile & 11:00min/mile
Sunday was my first official day of “speed training”. It was planned to be a short session, just two miles worth, but I was really looking forward to it. I drove down to Wakefield High School, which had given us permission to use their track…
…and the gates were locked. D’oh!
Once everyone arrived (maybe a dozen people in all, including Mark, Julie, and Laurel from my pace group, and my good buddy grok) we conferred for a bit and decided that as tempting as it was to just jump the fence, that if someone got hurt it would be A Bad Thing, so instead we carpooled over to the W&OD Trail where with the help of GPS units, quarter mile increments were marked out. It’s not a track, but until that gets sorted out with the high school, it’d have to do. I ended up doing my mile repeats at a 9:30min/mile pace, and that worked really well for me. I need to decide before the next one if it’s the right pace for me; it hit me after I got home that I had done the 10K (admittedly with a run/walk pattern) at a faster pace than that, after all. After all, I am supposed to be pushing a bit here!
Anyway, once that was over, Julie, grok, Cal, Rick, and I ended up knocking out a few more miles at a slightly slower pace. It was nice to get to just run and chat (all great people!) and was a great way to start the day.