Category Archives: 04mi

The Plunge

Start time: 3/13/07, 8:00am
Location: Clarendon, Court House, and Rosslyn
Distance: 4.25 miles
Average pace: 8:44min/mile

It’s been a while since I’ve run this route—up to Clarendon, down through Court House and Rosslyn all the way to the river, and then back up and around to home. Then again it’s also been a while since I’ve run in the morning on a weekday. I’m now thinking I need to find a new route that doesn’t involve me plunging down into Rosslyn; partially because I really loathe that hill coming back up, partially because that’s the hill I hurt myself on in May 2006. Maybe just keep going west past Clarendon into Virginia Square and Ballston? Oh, how I wish they’d finish construction on the bridge over Washington Boulevard so using the Arlington Boulevard Trail was possible again!

Huffing and puffing

Start time: 3/10/07, 9:00am
Location: W&OD Trail
Distance: 4 miles
Average pace: 8:53min/mile

So, the idea was to go run a quick 6-miler and call it a morning. I started an hour late, though, so I figured I’d have to play it all by ear. The first mile went fine (9:14) and I thought, “If I can keep this pace I’ll be good.” Well, halfway through mile 2 I ran into my 2004 pace group buddy Deborah, so I stopped and talked for about 10-15 seconds before heading on. “This second mile will be a little off,” I told myself. “No big deal.” Well, yeah… it clocked in at an 8:52. Wait a second… As I headed into mile 3 I was feeling tired and decided that it was time to slow down, and maybe even stop when I hit mile 3. (I’d planned on going a mile and a half out in each direction.) Well, the huffing and puffing was explained when I hit the marker at 8:29. Oops. No wonder I was feeling like I was going to keel over. I decided I’d run one more mile but deliberately try and slow down; that way I was at least out running for more than half an hour. It got finished up in an 8:54 (and my right foot was starting to fall asleep—tomorrow I’ll have to check and see if it’s time for new shoes!) and I called it a day.

Now, off to cut my hair, shave, and get ready for Julie’s wedding. Woohoo!

(I’d say she’d kill me for taking the time out to do this, but she won’t see this until afterwards.)


Start time: 3/6/07, 7:00pm
Location: Clarendon and the Custis Trail
Distance: 4.25 miles & 0.5 miles
Average pace: 9:08min/mile & 8:00min/mile

Occasionally I run with the Pacers Arlington group on Tuesday nights, which is an extremely hilly course; my pace is always off by at least 30 seconds per mile as a result, because it seriously kicks my butt. With that in mind, here’s the rundown of the last few months of this course:

1/16/07: 41:53
1/2/07: 41:52
12/19:06: 41:57
11/14/06: 42:05
10/10/06: 41:57

Even my fastest from back in August was a 39:44, and that was with Darryl really pushing us. So tonight? 38:48. GOOD LORD. It’s funny, because on the way out I thought I was pushing myself and Chris a little fast, but he wasn’t complaining so I decided that maybe I was just out of shape. Even on the way back I commented that I felt like I was sucking wind, but we kept going… and going… and going… A very nice surprise! It’s good to see what I can do if I really put my mind to it.

Once more into the breach

Start time: 2/17/07
Location: LAX Marriott Gym
Distance: 4 miles
Average pace: 11:00min/mile

Start time: 2/19/07
Location: LAX Marriott Gym
Distance: 3 miles
Average pace: 9:50min/mile

Well, after injuring myself on January 31st, it was time for a little rest. So, two and a half weeks later, I decided to give running another whirl. Even though the temperatures were nice outside in Los Angeles, I used the hotel gym for two reasons. First, that way if the injury returned I didn’t have to limp all the way back. Second, the further you head away from the hotel, the slightly sketchier it got. So, no running outside.

Saturday’s run went well; I wanted to take it easy so I did the first mile at a 12:00 pace, the next two at an 11:00, and the last at a 10:00. All with no problems, phew! Monday night I felt the need to work off some dinner, so it was two 10:00 miles and then (feeling brave) a 9:30. Still no problems. Yay! This Saturday I’ll run with my old pace group and pick up some longer mileage at a slightly slower pace. With any luck, the National Half Marathon is still on!


Start time: 1/27/07, 8:00am
Location: W&OD Trail
Distance: 4 miles & 4 miles
Run:Walk ratio: 5:1 & 1 minute per mile
Average pace: 10:35min/mile & 8:45min/mile

It’s been a while since I’ve been out there running; a combination of being stuck at work the last couple of times my Tues/Thurs night running group has been out, and just feeling tired and not up for it last Saturday. So, reluctantly, I hauled myself out of bed today. I knew the lack of running would make things hard; I’d at least hit the cycling class each Wednesday but that was it. I headed out with Carla, Randy, Chanty, and two of their pace group friends from 2006. It was a nice four miles out, and Carla and I spent most of it chatting. (I was also amused that Carla and Randy last week were apparently plotting for me to coach them this spring. Ha! I can already hear the snorts of derision from the peanut gallery.)

Once we hit the turn-around point, the rest of them decided to use the bathrooms at Barcroft and I headed back. The original plan was just to run straight through on the way home, but after about half a mile I realized it probably wouldn’t happen; that whole “not running in a while” thing catching up with me. Once I hit that first mile a little too fast (8:11, oops) I knew it would end not so well if I didn’t slow myself down. So from that point on I took a one minute walk break at each mile marker, and that worked well, still averaging an 8:45 for the return trip. It sure did feel nice to get back out there, though. Hopefully this upcoming week I can continue to do so!

Second Verse, Same As The First

Start time: 1/16/07, 7:00pm
Location: Clarendon and the Custis Trail
Distance: 4.25 miles & 0.5 miles
Average pace: 9:51min/mile & 8:07min/mile

No joke, the exact same finish times from two weeks ago. Yeesh! (I just realized I forgot to post this on Tuesday.) I didn’t run the new 1.75 mile route home in part because I had a brand-new Nintendo Wii waiting to be set up and played. Priorities, priorities.

New Year, New Addition

Start time: 1/2/07, 7:00pm
Location: Clarendon and the Custis Trail
Distance: 4.25 miles & 0.5 miles
Average pace: 9:51min/mile & 8:07min/mile

Another run along the Custis Trail… oh boy! One thing I decided after it was over, though, was that I’m going to add on a little extra distance on the way home in these winter months. I’d rather run home and stay warm than walk home and start shivering because I was sweating earlier. Tonight I just ran straight home, but I mapped out a route for future evenings that’s a 1.75 path, which would knock the distance up to 6 miles. Perfect!


Start time: 12/19/06, 7:00pm
Location: Clarendon and the Custis Trail
Distance: 4.25 miles
Average pace: 9:52min/mile

Ok, apparently my lack of regularly running Clarendon means when I do so once a month, it’s about 20-25 seconds off pace. Clearly I need more hill work. Or something. Ugh. (No knee strap again, no problems. Yay!)

Slow again

Start time: 11/14/06, 7:00pm
Location: Clarendon and the Custis Trail
Distance: 4.25 miles
Average pace: 9:48min/mile

Ok, we are in taper mode, and the Custis Trail is amazingly hilly. But still, a little disappointing to look at my finishing time here versus ones earlier in the year. Maybe Chris and I just need Darryl to push us up and down the trail a little faster? Not sure. (My thighs were sore from Sunday so I was a little hesitant on the idea of running, but by the halfway point they felt fine. Perhaps they just needed a good run.)

Remember, remember, the hills of November…

Start time: 11/01/06, 7:00pm
Location: Downtown Arlington
Distance: 4.25 miles
Average pace: 8:51min/mile

I’ve missed my hill workouts lately… and clearly the hills have missed me! This wasn’t crazy Custis Trail levels of hills, but still that stretch between the Clarendon and Rosslyn Metro stations is nothing to sneeze at. Phew. (Apparently the strange warm snap here in the DC area has meant that the sidewalks must be clogged with people walking aimlessly all over them, though. Yikes.)