Start time: 11/27/2013, 5:45am
Location: Silver Spring Clarendon
Distance: 4 miles
Average pace: 9:15min/mile
Total Miles For November: 46 miles
Total Miles For 2013: 688 miles
Current Shoes: 282 miles
Start time: 12/2/2013, 4:45pm
Location: Silver Spring Clarendon
Distance: 4 miles
Average pace: 9:15min/mile
Total Miles For December: 4 miles
Total Miles For 2013: 692 miles
Current Shoes: 286 miles
Start time: 12/4/2013, 5:43am
Location: National Mall
Distance: 6.36 miles
Average pace: 10:17min/mile
Total Miles For December: 10 miles
Total Miles For 2013: 698 miles
Current Shoes: 292 miles
Finished up November and the start of December with some more treadmill work (ugh), although this time with other cardio (rowing & stationary bike) mixed in, too. And then, finally, members of the group all got back in town and/or better. Phew.