Start time: 3/6/12, 6:10am
Location: North Arlington
Distance: 6.5 miles
Average pace: 9:05min/mile
Total Miles For March: 22 miles
Total Miles For 2012: 210 miles
Current Shoes: 6 miles
It was just me this morning, so I decided that since I wanted to hit the gym anyway, I’d just drive there and run through (more or less) my old route in the Ballston/Clarendon/Court House neighborhood of Arlington. It was a lot of fun to see the old sights again, as well as to see just how much new stuff’s gone into Clarendon in my absence. Some hills had me huffing and puffing as much as before, and all in all it was a pleasant experience to head back through there for a change. Plus, new shoes. (Time to restart the clock!) The springiness in them compared to the old ones is startling.