Category Archives: 05mi

Rain, Rain, Ugh.

Start time: 7/2/2015, 5:40 am & 6:56 am
Location: National Mall, Tidal Basin, Clarendon
Distance: 5.4 & 1.86 miles (7.26 miles)
Average pace: 10:07 & 9:12 min/mile (9:53 min/mile)
Total Miles For July: 7 miles
Total Miles For 2015: 393 miles
Current Shoes: 67 miles

Just me and Steve this morning and we headed out for a big loop… which got cut a little short when it began to rain, and then pour on us. Ugh. Headed off to Clarendon for my post-weekday-run shower at the gym, and by then it had stopped, so I ran just under 2 more miles there to finish it out for the morning.

One More Treadmill

Start time: 3/5/2015, 7:40am
Location: WSC Silver Spring
Distance: 5 miles
Average pace: 9:45 min/mile
Total Miles For March: 12 miles
Total Miles For 2015: 93 miles
Current Shoes: 188 miles

Squeezed in a few miles at the gym on Thursday before another weather system dumped 6″ of snow onto the area. *sigh*

Treadmill, ugh

Start time: 12/2/2014, 5:00pm
Location: WSC Silver Spring
Distance: 5 miles
Average pace: 9:24 min/mile
Total Miles For December: 5 miles
Total Miles For 2014: 757 miles
Current Shoes: 32 miles

Have I mentioned that I hate treadmills? Yes, probably.

Rain Rain Go Away

Start time: 10/1/2014, 5:34am
Location: National Mall
Distance: 5 miles
Average pace: 10:26 min/mile
Total Miles For October: 5 miles
Total Miles For 2014: 611 miles
Current Shoes: 168 miles

I was already tired/dragging when I started this run; once cold rain came down, Ben and I called it quits a bit early.

Rocking the Bosque

Start time: 9/24/2014 & 9/27/2014, 7:30am
Location: Rio Grande Bosque, Bernalillo, NM
Distance: 5.27 & 5 miles
Average pace: 10:10 & 9:41 min/mile
Total Miles For September: 49 miles
Total Miles For 2014: 600 miles
Current Shoes: 157 miles

Went on vacation to New Mexico and got to run two times along the Rio Grande River’s bosque area w/ Charlie while we were there. The first time was a combination of loops on a flat trail and going up and down the ridge to the south; the second time we stuck just to the loops. Very pleasant run, although being even at just 5000 feet definitely made a real difference!

Rain Rain Go Away

Start time: 6/11/2014, 5:37am
Location: National Mall
Distance: 5 miles
Average pace: 9:57min/mile
Total Miles For June: 31 miles
Total Miles For 2014: 335 miles
Current Shoes: 133 miles

The plan was to run the normal 6 miles today, but it started raining about 2/3rds of the way through, coupled with flashes of lightning, so we decided discretion was the better part of valor and turned around a little early.

Taper w/ Ben

Start time: 3/12/2014, 5:50am
Location: National Mall
Distance: 5.29 miles
Average pace: 10:36min/mile
Total Miles For March: 23 miles
Total Miles For 2014: 151 miles
Current Shoes: 217 miles

One last run before Saturday.

Clarendon Reverse-Brick

Start time: 10/23/2013, 5:10pm
Location: Clarendon
Distance: 5 miles
Average pace: 8:56min/mile
Total Miles For October: 40 miles
Total Miles For 2013: 620 miles
Current Shoes: 214 miles

Ran one of my old routes in Clarendon after work, and right before spin class. Nice to be back in the old ‘hood, even if once again every time I turn around there’s something new being built…

Takoma Park run

Start time: 8/28/2013, 5:47am
Location: Takoma Park
Distance: 5 miles
Average pace: 9:44min/mile
Total Miles For August: 78 miles
Total Miles For 2013: 520 miles
Current Shoes: 114 miles

Due to events down on the Mall on Wednesday, I ran by myself in my own neighborhood. Ran deep into Takoma Park MD, then headed back home. Hillier around the Sligo Creek area than I’d expected!

More humidity

Start time: 7/10/2013, 5:50am
Location: National Mall
Distance: 5.2 miles
Average pace: 10:28min/mile
Total Miles For July: 31 miles
Total Miles For 2013: 372 miles
Current Shoes: 271 miles

Really humid and hot this morning; cut the run a mile short. (I also had spin class in the evening so, no guilt.)