Category Archives: 05mi

Post-Work Melt

Start time: 4/15/10, 5:00pm
Location: W&OD Trail
Distance: 5 miles
Average pace: 8:32min/mile
Total Miles For April: 32 miles
Total Miles For 2010: 213 miles

It’s funny how sometimes it’s the little things that bug you. I was going to run before work on Thursday but I didn’t sleep well, so at the last second I decided I’d run immediately after work, before some evening engagements. This meant running out on the W&OD where it exits Vienna and heads towards Reston. And while the temperatures were only in the mid-70s, the sun was out and shining bright, and there is absolutely no shade at all on that stretch of the trail. After a slightly too-fast start, I ended up paying for it big time in the second half; I felt overheated and exhausted, and towards the end of the mile 4 (and start of mile 5) I ended up walking for about 90 seconds, so that I could rally for the rest of the last mile.

On the one bright side, it is nice to finally get confirmation that there is a gradual drop on the way out (about 150 feet) and then climb on the way back; I’d always suspected as much but was never 100% sure. The new Garmin 405CX is working wonderfully. The difference between it and my old 301 is huge.

There’s a good chance I’ll run this same stretch again on Sunday, on a day which should be a lot cooler; it’ll be interesting to see how that goes, if so.

(7:44, 8:05, 8:14, 9:32, 9:05)


Start time: 4/8/10, 6:30am
Location: North Arlington
Distance: 5 miles
Average pace: 9:00min/mile
Total Miles For April: 19 miles
Total Miles For 2010: 200 miles

Got up early today to knock out my run before work, and I was still yawning when I headed out the door. Not a bad run, but I was definitely feeling tiiiiiiiiired in the fourth and fifth miles. Go to bed even earlier next time, I guess. On the bright side, the Garmin clocked exactly 5 miles for the loop that I’d mapped out, and the old one was never even remotely that accurate, so yay!

(8:45, 8:35, 8:58, 9:26, 9:16)

No Foolin’

Start time: 4/1/10, 6:30pm
Location: W&OD Trail
Distance: 5 miles
Average pace: 8:35min/mile
Total Miles For April: 5 miles
Total Miles For 2010: 186 miles

That was a nice run. Spring has definitely sprung, and after work I did a run up the W&OD Trail from marker 3.5 to 6 and then back. I ran into Pam Riker while doing my pre-run stretch, which was definitely the high point of the evening, though! But yeah, definitely a keeper.

(8:30, 8:58, 8:26, 8:38, 8:21)

Stupid Daylight Saving Time

Start time: 3/16/10, 8:00am
Location: North Arlington
Distance: 5 miles
Average pace: 8:34min/mile
Total Miles For March: 43 miles
Total Miles For 2010: 162 miles

I ended up not running over the weekend due to weather, and I paid for it this morning. Or at least I’m assuming that was part of it; the other part was still being slightly off kilter due to the time shift over the weekend. I actually set my alarm for a little before 6am, thinking I’d be out there by 7am. I hadn’t counted on it now being dark at 7am, which made it verrrrry difficult to get out of bed.

Anyway, not a bad pace at all, but I felt nothing short of wiped out.

Spring has sprung

Start time: 3/8/10, 6:00pm
Location: W&OD Trail
Distance: 5 miles
Average pace: 8:51min/mile
Total Miles For March: 27 miles
Total Miles For 2010: 146 miles

Wow, it was a beautiful day in the DC area today—almost 60 degrees! After work I went for a quick run on the W&OD Trail, which was mostly nice… well, except for the nasty, algae smell coming from Four Mile Run. Bleah. That water smells rather horrendous today. None the less, it was nice to just get out and knock out a few miles.

(8:38, 8:56, 9:09, 9:05, 8:25)

Hotel treadmill redux

Start time: 2/28/10, 1:30pm
Location: LAX Marriott Treadmill
Distance: 5 miles
Average pace: 8:53min/mile
Total Miles For February: 51 miles
Total Miles For 2010: 119 miles

Hey, guess what happens when you actually start running regularly again? It gets slightly easier. Funny thing, that. About halfway through the run I realized it was feeling a little too easy and I started turning the pace up a bit. It was nice for everything to still be comfortable. Now if I can just keep my nose to the grindstone, maybe… just maybe…?

Hotel treadmill

Start time: 2/25/10, 7:00am
Location: LAX Marriott Treadmill
Distance: 5 miles
Average pace: 9:05min/mile
Total Miles For February: 36 miles
Total Miles For 2010: 104 miles

Just some running on the hotel treadmill. I’m not a big fan of the treadmill in general and I started off slow and then ramped it up a bit. Still not terribly fast, but after missing Tuesday’s run due to work and needing to pack, I won’t deny that I was feeling a little rusty.


Start time: 2/18/10, 6:45am
Location: TJ Community Center
Distance: 5 miles
Average pace: 9:04min/mile
Total Miles For February: 22 miles
Total Miles For 2010: 90 miles

More indoor track running. Um… yay? It was a good thing to have done; with a race a month away I really need to get my butt back in gear. But I am super-sleepy now. Cannot stop yawning.

(9:07, 9:01, 9:11, 9:00, 8:59)

Indoor Track Fun

Start time: 2/17/10, 6:45am
Location: TJ Community Center
Distance: 5 miles
Average pace: 9:02min/mile
Total Miles For February: 17 miles
Total Miles For 2010: 85 miles

In a non-shock of the century, still no significant melting going on outside. Right now my regular running routes are completely impassable; when they completely cleared 10th Street in Arlington, they did so by shoveling all the snow off of the road and onto the shoulders… which includes the sidewalks. It’s fairly insane as a result, and other streets are in just as bad a condition. So unless I want to run down main roads and risk my life… guess it’s time for more indoor track fun. (At least that option is available.) I also noticed that the parking lot was more full than normal despite there not being more people at the rec center; I think people in the local neighborhood are parking there rather than on the street. What this probably means is that going to spinning class tonight might be problematic. We shall see.

Anyway! The run went ok. Sure it was boring (thank you “Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me” for this morning’s entertainment) and I was huffing and puffing from a general lack of running as of late, but I got it done and that’s all that really mattered to me.

(9:11, 8:52, 8:59, 9:09, 8:55)

Circles again

Start time: 12/22/09, 4:30pm
Location: TJ Community Center
Distance: 5 miles
Average pace: 8:36min/mile
Total Miles For December: 73 miles
Total Miles For 2009: 851 miles

Well, thanks to snowpocalypse, running outside is severely limited at the moment, until the snow melts a bit more and pathways are clear. So, back to the indoor track! Ah, the joy.

(8:53, 8:41, 8:46, 8:28, 8:14)