Category Archives: 02mi

Hot Hot Hot

Start time: 6/21/12, 5:34am
Location: Takoma
Distance: 2.46 miles
Intervals: 5 min walk, 5 min run (x3)
Average pace: 12:13min/mile
Total Miles For June: 4 miles
Total Miles For 2012: 250 miles
Current Shoes: 46 miles

Boy, it sure is hot out. Since my rec center is closed today through Monday afternoon, the indoor track was unfortunately right out. And since it’s going to get up to 99 degrees today, I got up super-early for my run. Already very humid (although thankfully not boiling) but survivable. More importantly, no shin pain. Yay!

Three Months and One Day Later…

Start time: 6/18/12, 4:45pm
Location: Thomas Jefferson Community Center
Distance: 2 miles
Average pace: 12:40min/mile
Total Miles For June: 2 miles
Total Miles For 2012: 248 miles
Current Shoes: 44 miles

Well, that’s been a while, hasn’t it? I just realized I hadn’t ever included in this journal that my shin pain was, in fact, a stress fracture. So, for the past three months I’ve been hitting the elliptical and stationary bike a lot, and finally moved back up to the real bike as well as a bit of rowing machine near the end. (I also told myself I was going to do a lot of swimming and pool running, but so far have done zilch. *sigh*)

But! It’s been three months. So today for the first time since the marathon I got to try out a short run; 10 minutes walking, 5 minutes running, 5 minutes walking, 5 minutes running. For the first time back I decided the indoor track was the way to go, and when all was said and done it was two miles (well, I added on 20 more seconds but what’s that between friends?). No pain, so that’s a very good sign. Next run is scheduled for Thursday.

It’s nice to be back.

Oh Treadmill My Treadmill

Start time: 2/16/12, 6:30am
Location: LAX Mariott Treadmill
Distance: 6 miles
Average pace: 8:57min/mile
Total Miles For February: 64 miles
Total Miles For 2012: 148 miles
Current Shoes: 181 miles

Start time: 2/18/12, 7:30am
Location: LAX Mariott Treadmill
Distance: 6 miles & 2 miles
Average pace: 8:42min/mile & 7:38min/mile (8:26 overall)
Total Miles For February: 72 miles
Total Miles For 2012: 156 miles
Current Shoes: 189 miles

Oops, time to catch up… was in LA for a convention for the second half of last week, so ended up using the hotel treadmill twice. For Saturday’s run the plan was 8 miles, but I was getting bored with the treadmill and when I hit 6 miles (since the treadmill automatically shuts down at an hour) I figured, “Oh, good enough” and started the cooldown function. Then after about three minutes I thought, “Wait, I should really do the last two miles.” So I turned it off, ran two more, and called it a day. I never really trust a treadmill’s readings, but I was definitely working on my pace for that 8-miler.

Spin Sandwich

Start time: 3/2/11, 6:10pm & 7:20pm
Location: TJ Community Center
Distance: 2 x 2 miles
Average pace: 8:31min/mile
Total Miles For March: 4 miles
Total Miles For 2011: 102 miles

That cold ended up knocking me for a bad loop, but this morning it appeared to be 100% gone. Didn’t have time to run in the morning and enjoy the great weather, alas, but when I got to the gym for spinning I had time for 2 miles. So I decided I’d do an indoor duathlon (or as I jokingly renamed it, a spin sandwich) and put 2 miles at either end of spinning class. All in all, worked pretty well.

(8:36, 8:23, 8:33, 8:29)

Hiding from the Wind

Start time: 12/27/10, 4:30pm
Location: TJ Community Center
Distance: 2×2 miles
Average pace: 8:18min/mile
Total Miles For December: 44 miles
Total Miles For 2010: 629 miles

Heavy winds knocked out the power lines at work, so I ended up working at home this afternoon, and decided to take a short break and go for a run. Well, the idea was to go outside, but it’s so ludicrously windy (up to 40-50mph) that I decided perhaps inside was a better option. Brrrrrrr.

My left foot was a little crampy so after the second mile I stopped and walked a quarter mile before deciding it was all right and did two more. Overall, it seems I was at least consistent.

(8:21 & 8:18, 8:16 & 8:18)


Start time: 12/9/10, 6:30pm
Location: TJ Community Center
Distance: 2 miles & 2 miles
Average pace: 8:43min/mile & 8:22min/mile
Total Miles For December: 13 miles
Total Miles For 2010: 598 miles

Headed to the gym after work today and knocked down two miles on the track, then did a little bit of upper body weight work, then back to two more miles. (Am trying to get the upper body work done on spinning days, but since I shifted my run to spin day, weights shifted to here. Very exciting, I know.)

(8:46 & 8:41, 8:23 & 8:21)


Start time: 5/12/10, 7:15pm
Location: TJ Community Center
Distance: 2 miles
Average pace: 8:00min/mile
Total Miles For May: 10 miles
Total Miles For 2010: 249 miles

I told myself last week that this week’s brick would go up to at least a 3 miler. But on Monday, I went for a belated bike ride (Sunday was just too windy out with its 40mph winds) and about halfway through, a tendon next to my right knee started really bothering me. It was still hurting on Tuesday, so on Wednesday I decided I needed to be careful and not mess anything up. In the end, just went for the two miles; I could’ve picked up more, but with the race on the 23rd it just seemed like a really bad idea.

(8:01, 7:59)

Early morning brick

Start time: 4/28/10, 7:15am
Location: South Arlington
Distance: 2 miles
Average pace: 8:09min/mile
Total Miles For April: 54 miles
Total Miles For 2010: 235 miles

After missing last week’s Wednesday brick, it looked like this Wednesday was going to be a no-go after work as well, so I got up early and dragged myself to the 6:30am spin class for a change. It was great to see Barbara again; I haven’t seen her in aaaaaages. Afterwards, I went outside and ran a 2-mile loop in the mid-40s temperature. Brrrr. I was glad I brought an extra long-sleeve shirt, though, it totally did the trick. Next week, hopefully, add on an extra mile to the brick.

(8:04, 8:15)


Start time: 4/14/10, 6:00pm
Location: TJ Community Center
Distance: 2 miles
Average pace: 7:50min/mile
Total Miles For April: 27 miles
Total Miles For 2010: 208 miles

Backwards brick for Wednesday; I had so much stuff to get done after spinning class that I ended up running my 2 miles right before class started. Not really a brick, but the switch-up was good and it put me a little more tired for spinning, which is a I figure a somewhat good simulation of post-swim. Also thinking that I might start shifting the post-spin run up to 3 miles. (Also might start doing it outdoors, if I can clean and break down the bike quickly.)

(8:01, 7:39)

Wednesday = Brickday

Start time: 4/7/10, 7:20pm
Location: TJ Community Center
Distance: 2 miles
Average pace: 8:04min/mile
Total Miles For April: 14 miles
Total Miles For 2010: 195 miles

Another Wednesday, another brick. No complaints here, well, except that TJ’s air conditioning was not up to the 90 degree weather outside. Oof. Good tough spinning class, though.

(8:00, 8:07)