All posts by Greg McElhatton

Run Bike Run

Start time: 8/5/09, 6:10am
Location: North Arlington
Distance: 2 miles & 2 miles
Average pace: 8:13min/mile & 8:16min/mile
Total Miles For August: 20 miles
Total Miles For 2009: 479 miles

Greg vs the duathlon! Sort of.

To switch things up a bit this morning, I got up early and ran the first two miles of my 4-mile loop, which conveniently has my gym just past the 2-mile point. I changed my shirt, headed in, and went to spinning class… well, except the instructor never showed up. (Oops!) Still, I did get my 45 minutes of cycling in, just without someone pushing us extremely hard. (One of the people in the class did lead us as best she could, though, which was nice.) Then, I grabbed my stuff, jogged over to where I’d left off, and ran the remaining two miles home. It was a nice little way to have transitions of sorts, and to make the morning a little more exciting. Plus, the plan was to go get burgers and fries at lunch today, so an extra caloric burn was definitely a good thing.

Hot and Tired

Start time: 8/4/09, 7:30am
Location: North Arlington
Distance: 4 miles
Average pace: 8:16min/mile
Total Miles For August: 16 miles
Total Miles For 2009: 475 miles

Slightly later start than I’d really wanted today. After being at a wedding until late Sunday night followed by a 7am flight home, though, I was seriously beat. So beat that I didn’t wake up until the alarm went off this morning (a rarity) and then it took me forever and a day to get going. That said, despite being tired and the humidity to boot, it was a good (if sweaty) four mile run.

Confidential to the guy in the white undershirt and the Notre Dame basketball shorts: I genuinely felt uncomfortable looking at your choice of running clothes, and the fact that (when we were both stopped at Pershing & Washington) you commented on how hot it was? Please, please, please consider switching over to a technical fabric for a shirt at the very least. I think you’ll feel a little better. (Good pace though!)


Start time: 8/1/09, 7:15am
Location: Rosslyn & Cap Crescent Trail
Distance: 12 miles
Average pace: 9:45min/mile
Total Miles For August: 12 miles
Total Miles For 2009: 471 miles

Wow, that was a craptacular end to a run. I bombed out big time in the last two miles, ugh. Finally told Charlie (whom I was running with) to just go ahead for the last half mile or so. Talk about running out of gas and overheating, big time. Oh well.

(9:57, 9:38, 9:21, 9:27, 9:36, 9:45, 9:26, 9:40, 9:34, 9:47, 10:13, 10:40)

Run run run

Start time: 7/30/09, 7:15am
Location: North Arlington
Distance: 4 miles
Average pace: 8:12min/mile
Total Miles For July: 80 miles
Total Miles For 2009: 459 miles

80 miles! I can’t remember the last time I’ve done that much in a month, which is kind of sad.

I was originally going to title this post something like, “Too much exercise.” Monday I ran in the morning and swam in the evening. Tuesday was running. Wednesday was rowing machine followed by spinning class. And then more running this morning. So when I was out there I was feeling sluggish and slow and I was envisioning a 39 minute finish time for my 4-miler. Well, as it turned out, 32:46. So I guess I wasn’t moving that sluggishly after all, oops. All in all, very pleased. Nice jump in speed for me. Let’s see if I can maintain this into next week or not.

Also, mental note to myself: time to get new shoes soon. At just about the 300-mile mark. (Already.)

Two by Two

Start time: 7/28/09, 5:45pm
Location: Thomas Jefferson Community Center
Distance: 2 x 2 miles
Average pace: 8:15min/mile & 7:53min/mile
Total Miles For July: 76 miles
Total Miles For 2009: 455 miles

Been a while since I’ve run at TJ, but as it’s in the 90s even after work today, inside it was. I ran two miles, then stopped for about 40 seconds or so to get a drink of water from the fountain, towel my face off, and then back off I went. Pretty pleased with the splits. Also amused at the little kid who kept trying to catch me… and failing. But that kid was fast. And he probably clocked 2 or 3 miles, too. I wish I was that good a runner when I was under ten years old!

(8:25, 8:04, 7:50, 7:55)

Surprise Monday Morning Run

Start time: 7/27/09, 7:15am
Location: Local neighborhood
Distance: 4 miles
Average pace: 8:42min/mile
Total Miles For July: 72 miles
Total Miles For 2009: 451 miles

Charlie surprised me last night with a request to go running this morning. I’ve got swimming in the morning, but a quick four-miler sounded nice. So, off on the 4-mile loop we went. It was a nice easy-going run, and it hadn’t gotten too cloudy/humid just yet.

Hot but Shady

Start time: 7/25/09, 6:45am
Location: Rock Creek Park
Distance: 16 miles
Average pace: 10:25min/mile
Total Miles For July: 68 miles
Total Miles For 2009: 447 miles

It is one hot and humid day here in DC. To try and beat the heat we got up eaaaaaarly, although it was just a small group; me, Michael, Jim, Steve, and (for a few miles) Steve’s partner Mickey. We ran through a lot of Rock Creek on the Maryland side of the border, which was thankfully shady, but still really humid. My poor GPS went utterly berserk, though, not liking all that tree cover one bit. (Seriously nuts.) I’m thinking I might just break down and get the new Forerunner that has the foot pod instead of a GPS and just be done with it. Anyway, a little slower than normal because of the heat, but at the same time I felt much stronger than last week the whole way through. So, not bad.

(And then afterwards Mickey made us breakfast burritos! Delicious!)

Wrong Turn

Start time: 7/23/09, 7:15am
Location: North Arlington
Distance: 3 miles
Average pace: 8:19min/mile
Total Miles For July: 52 miles
Total Miles For 2009: 431 miles

I was going to run a short 3-mile loop this morning; I’d been having some more stomach issues this morning and I didn’t want to head out too long/far just in case. It went well enough, except I made a wrong turn at some point (it was a new loop) and added on about an extra quarter mile. No big deal, obviously, but it was kind of funny when I was thinking, “And now I’ll end up on 5th Street… so wait, why is that Wilson Boulevard instead?” Oopsie.

Four More

Start time: 7/21/09, 7:10am
Location: North Arlington
Distance: 4 miles
Average pace: 8:30min/mile
Total Miles For July: 49 miles
Total Miles For 2009: 428 miles

In my continuing quest to find the perfect 4-mile loop, I changed mine up again this morning; I took out most of 10th Street and all of Wilson Boulevard, cutting over early on to Pershing. It’s less active so there’s less to look at, but it’s also more shaded and quiet and has less cars. Plus, this way I can keep in the 2nd Street South portion, so it’s mostly a win. (Well, aside from some more “issues” on the run. Getting old, getting old.)

1662 calories later

Start time: 7/18/09, 6:30am
Location: All over DC
Distance: 14 miles
Average pace: 10:06min/mile
Total Miles For July: 45 miles
Total Miles For 2009: 424 miles

Phew! Been a while since I had a 6:30am start… and did quite so many hills. The run started out well; we went from the SW Waterfront to Hains Point, then over the 14th St Bridge into Virginia where we ran up the Mt. Vernon Trail along the Potomac all the way to where it ends at the Key Bridge. That wasn’t so bad, but then once we went over Key Bridge we started heading up 34th Street… and up… and up… and up… yeeeeaaah. Hills and I don’t get along so much these days, especially since they are where I injure myself. But I survived, thankfully, and after we went around the Naval Observatory and down Mass Ave it wasn’t so bad. From there it was pretty simple (P St to Connecticut to Lafayette Square to the Mall) and aside from missing a light at the very end and suddenly ending up half a block behind everyone else (oops), pretty enjoyable.

More importantly it sure does feel good to have burnt off about 1600 calories. I swear, at times this is why I still run. My waistline demands it!