All posts by Greg McElhatton

The Hills are Alive

Start time: 6/28/12, 7:15am
Location: Takoma
Distance: 3.44 miles
Intervals: 10 min run, 2 min walk (x3)
Average pace: 10:28min/mile
Total Miles For June: 13 miles
Total Miles For 2012: 259 miles
Current Shoes: 55 miles

Took a detour on today’s run to add on the extra 6 minutes worth of running and decided to do so past my friend Randal’s house. It seemed like a great idea… but then I remembered as I was around the bottom of the hills that I had to go back up them. What started as a fun little jaunt turned into some impromptu hill work. Phew! Glad I did it but boy am I beat. (Starting out sleepy/tired/wiped out probably did not help matters. Should have gotten more sleep.)

Wipeout 2012, pt 2

Start time: 6/26/12, 5:40am
Location: Takoma
Distance: 2.85 miles
Intervals: 8 min run, 2 min walk (x3)
Average pace: 10:32min/mile
Total Miles For June: 10 miles
Total Miles For 2012: 256 miles
Current Shoes: 52 miles

On the plus side, the weather was gorgeous this morning. On the minus side, managed to trip on a jutting piece of sidewalk and wipe out. *sigh* Tiny scrape the size of a nickel on my knee, but otherwise intact (save my pride).

More run/walk

Start time: 6/24/12, 9:30am
Location: Takoma
Distance: 2.75 miles
Intervals: 7 min run, 3 min walk (x3)
Average pace: 10:53min/mile
Total Miles For June: 7 miles
Total Miles For 2012: 253 miles
Current Shoes: 49 miles

Hindsight being 20/20, I probably should have gotten up a little earlier this morning.

Hot Hot Hot

Start time: 6/21/12, 5:34am
Location: Takoma
Distance: 2.46 miles
Intervals: 5 min walk, 5 min run (x3)
Average pace: 12:13min/mile
Total Miles For June: 4 miles
Total Miles For 2012: 250 miles
Current Shoes: 46 miles

Boy, it sure is hot out. Since my rec center is closed today through Monday afternoon, the indoor track was unfortunately right out. And since it’s going to get up to 99 degrees today, I got up super-early for my run. Already very humid (although thankfully not boiling) but survivable. More importantly, no shin pain. Yay!

Three Months and One Day Later…

Start time: 6/18/12, 4:45pm
Location: Thomas Jefferson Community Center
Distance: 2 miles
Average pace: 12:40min/mile
Total Miles For June: 2 miles
Total Miles For 2012: 248 miles
Current Shoes: 44 miles

Well, that’s been a while, hasn’t it? I just realized I hadn’t ever included in this journal that my shin pain was, in fact, a stress fracture. So, for the past three months I’ve been hitting the elliptical and stationary bike a lot, and finally moved back up to the real bike as well as a bit of rowing machine near the end. (I also told myself I was going to do a lot of swimming and pool running, but so far have done zilch. *sigh*)

But! It’s been three months. So today for the first time since the marathon I got to try out a short run; 10 minutes walking, 5 minutes running, 5 minutes walking, 5 minutes running. For the first time back I decided the indoor track was the way to go, and when all was said and done it was two miles (well, I added on 20 more seconds but what’s that between friends?). No pain, so that’s a very good sign. Next run is scheduled for Thursday.

It’s nice to be back.

Rock ‘n’ Roll USA Marathon

Start time: 3/17/12, 8:00am
Location: Washington DC
Distance: 26.2 miles
Finish time: 5:17:33
Average pace: 12:07min/mile
Total Miles For March: 58 miles
Total Miles For 2012: 246 miles
Current Shoes: 42 miles

(I”ve been putting this race report off, because of a slightly unresolved issue indirectly connected to the race. But the longer I put this off, the greater chance that I will never get around to actually writing it.)

After training for most of the winter, my running the Rock ‘n’ Roll USA Marathon here in DC almost got derailed entirely thanks to an ill-timed sinus infection. I got the all-clear from my doctor to run it, though, even though I still had four days of antibiotics to go.

Rock ‘n’ Roll bought what used to be the National Marathon and Half Marathon, which had started back in 2006 (and replaced the short-lived, one-time-only DC Marathon). From 2006 through 2011, I ran all but one of the National’s half marathons, skipping 2010 only because some friends and I had gone down to Virginia Beach that same weekend to tackle the Shamrock Half Marathon. The National had been showing increasing signs of being in over their heads as the race grew, though, with outright incompetence on some aspects. So although it meant a much more expensive race when Rock ‘n’ Roll took it over, I looked forward to seeing how they’d handle the race administration. And, it seemed like a good a time as any to tackle a full marathon again, since my last had been in January 2010 as part of the Walt Disney World Goofy Marathon and a Half Challenge.

First, the actual putting on the race part? Excellent. Well marked mile points (unlike last year’s race, where the first marker was at mile 9), lots of race support, a much better starting line situation, easier packet pick up… you name it, they handled it quite well. Worth the extra money.

As for my running of the racef? Well, there were some good parts and some not-so-good parts. I ran the first 21 miles with my good friend Ben, and doing that was a real joy. I’ve had a lot of marathons where I ran the majority or all of the race by myself, and I’d forgotten how nice it is to have someone else to keep you going. Charlie, Andy, Peter, and Joey all came out to cheer, and that was also greatly appreciated. I also got to see my co-worker Holly in our starting corral. So, all good stuff.

On the down side, the temperature spiked while I was out there from below 50 to over 70, and just like the Florence Marathon, that spells disaster for me. I end up slightly dehydrating no matter how well I’ve been hydrating before and during the event, and when you’re cramping and feeling lousy it’s not going to be a good race. For me, that started around the halfway point, but I put on a brave face and tried to push through. Around mile 19, though, I knew the back half of the race was going to be difficult, and told Ben that since he was feeling strong to please feel free to ditch me at any point. He decided that at mile 21 he was going to pick up his pace a bit, and did just that (and had a strong finish, hurrah!).

I actually ended up walking all the way to mile 23; I felt horrible, not just physically but mentally. My stomach was upset (a combo of forgetting to bring something solid to balance out the gels… hey, it’s been over 2 years since my last marathon… and the antibiotics), I was discouraged, and my “running” with a minute walk break at the mile markers was barely faster than my speed walking. I did focus on another guy walking in the distance that looked quite fit, and managed to get most of the way up to him by mile 23. From that point I shifted over to a “run 5 minutes, walk 1 minute” pace, and that was a huge improvement, getting me moving at a much better clip that I’d been for about five miles. Still, a huge relief to finish. None the less, not counting Disney (where we stopped for photos twenty times and had run a half marathon the day before) it was much, much slower than my previous two races. A little disappointing, although it was under some adverse circumstances that were ultimately out of my control.

I’d also been having some shin pain on my right leg leading up to the race; I’d figured it was just a shin splint but right now we’re doing some tests to make sure it’s not anything else. So in the two weeks since the race I’ve run exactly nothing at all. There are quite a few possibilities, and some tests I’m having done today are hopefully ruling out the bad ones. I’ll hopefully know more later in the week. Fingers crossed for just a lopsided shin splint (since they normally come in pairs), but we shall see.

Sinus Infection

Start time: 3/15/12, 5:51am
Location: National Mall
Distance: 4.53 miles
Average pace: 10:51min/mile
Total Miles For March: 32 miles
Total Miles For 2012: 220 miles
Current Shoes: 16 miles

So, after last Thursday’s run… I got sick. Thought it was a cold. Then it was a sinus infection. Then came the antibiotics. Fun. Ended up with an unplanned week off. Ran on Thursday morning to make sure everything was working enough for Saturday’s marathon. Not great, not bad either. Will take the race easy and life is good enough, right? Time for bed!

Return of the Steve

Start time: 3/8/12, 5:46am
Location: National Mall
Distance: 6.15 miles
Average pace: 9:46min/mile
Total Miles For March: 28 miles
Total Miles For 2012: 216 miles
Current Shoes: 12 miles

After multiple work trips plus a thrown out back, Steve was back this week, along with Ben. Was a pleasure to see him again.

Back in the ‘hood

Start time: 3/6/12, 6:10am
Location: North Arlington
Distance: 6.5 miles
Average pace: 9:05min/mile
Total Miles For March: 22 miles
Total Miles For 2012: 210 miles
Current Shoes: 6 miles

It was just me this morning, so I decided that since I wanted to hit the gym anyway, I’d just drive there and run through (more or less) my old route in the Ballston/Clarendon/Court House neighborhood of Arlington. It was a lot of fun to see the old sights again, as well as to see just how much new stuff’s gone into Clarendon in my absence. Some hills had me huffing and puffing as much as before, and all in all it was a pleasant experience to head back through there for a change. Plus, new shoes. (Time to restart the clock!) The springiness in them compared to the old ones is startling.


Start time: 3/3/12, 7:00am
Location: National Mall, Mass Ave, Shaw, U Street, SW Waterfront
Distance: 10.41 miles
Average pace: 10:29min/mile
Total Miles For March: 16 miles
Total Miles For 2012: 204 miles
Current Shoes: 237 miles

Ten mile taper! Just me and Ben and John, and rain for about half of it. It was a nice run, though, especially when it wasn’t raining. New shoes are en route. Looking forward to them arriving.