Week Off

Start time: 5/23/2016, 5:40 & 6:00 am
Location: National Mall
Distance: 2.09 & 5.43 miles
Average pace: 8:34 & 10:00 min/mile
Total Miles For May: 59 miles
Total Miles For 2016: 379 miles
Current Shoes: 59 miles

Ended up taking a week off after last Monday’s debacle; big blisters on the bottom of my feet, and one ankle sore from walking to adjust for said blisters. *sigh* It was good to get back out there, even if it was soooo humid that I’m pretty sure Ben and I were really performing two stages of a triathlon simultaneously.


Mistake I’ll Hopefully Never Make Again

Start time: 5/16/2016, 5:40 & 6:00 am
Location: National Mall
Distance: 2.04 & 5.21 miles
Average pace: 8:44 & 9:58 min/mile
Total Miles For May: 52 miles
Total Miles For 2016: 372 miles
Current Shoes: 52 miles

I would have thought that feeling a tiny bit creaky after Sunday’s run would have been the issue for this Monday run. Turns out, no, it was forgetting to set out running socks the night before. The better option (hindsight is always 20/20) would have been to potentially wake Charlie up to try and find a pair. Instead I ran without, and now I have two massive blisters on my feet. Ugh ugh ugh.

Return to Zoo

Start time: 5/15/2016, 7:22 am
Location: National Mall, Rock Creek Park, National Zoo
Distance: 10 miles
Average pace: 10:20 min/mile
Total Miles For May: 45 miles
Total Miles For 2016: 365 miles
Current Shoes: 45 miles

Back to the Zoo, finally! We had to start a tiny bit later than normal in order to accomodate the new, later opening hours, but the timing worked out quite well.

No Parking

Start time: 5/12/2016, 5:43 & 6:02 am
Location: National Mall, Capitol Hill
Distance: 2.02 & 5.22 miles
Average pace: 8:34 & 10:08 min/mile
Total Miles For May: 35 miles
Total Miles For 2016: 355 miles
Current Shoes: 35 miles

There’s something to be said about the most punctuating moment of a run being the street where you normally park being closed off for the day to set up an event on the National Mall.


Start time: 5/10/2016, 5:38 & 6:00 am
Location: National Mall, Capitol Hill
Distance: 2.18 & 5.35 miles
Average pace: 8:33 & 10:03 min/mile
Total Miles For May: 28 miles
Total Miles For 2016: 348 miles
Current Shoes: 28 miles

Freedom! After having a (very small) operation a few weeks earlier, this was the first run since then without the four stitches in my neck. So, so nice to not longer have to worry about them.


Start time: 5/7/2016, 7:05 am
Location: National Mall, Capitol Hill
Distance: 6.21 miles
Average pace: 10:38 min/mile
Total Miles For May: 21 miles
Total Miles For 2016: 341 miles
Current Shoes: 21 miles

Short run for a Saturday; I had to help a friend with his home inspection early that morning so I stepped in for a quick circle round the Capitol and then was off.

Solo de Mayo

Start time: 5/5/2016, 5:48 am
Location: National Mall, Capitol Hill
Distance: 8 miles
Average pace: 9:08 min/mile
Total Miles For May: 15 miles
Total Miles For 2016: 335 miles
Current Shoes: 15 miles

Wasn’t able to run with my group on Wednesday so I hoofed it on my own on Thursday. Very nice 8-miler, merging a couple of routes into a single one.

New shoes, new month, old drizzle

Start time: 5/2/2016, 5:41 & 6:01 am
Location: National Mall, Capitol Hill
Distance: 2.06 & 5.41 miles
Average pace: 8:26 & 9:44 min/mile
Total Miles For May: 7 miles
Total Miles For 2016: 327 miles
Current Shoes: 7 miles

Finally, new shoes, and as an added bonus (something which truly only I would care about) I managed to do so right as my yearly mileage ended in a 0 so that’s easier to track. (Plus a new month so it was also at 0, but of course that will change for June.) Otherwise not much to report; damp and misty bordering on (but not quite) a drizzle. Ended up running sans glasses for the second portion because it became useless to have them on.

9 miles, 9 years

Start time: 4/30/2016, 7:07 am
Location: National Mall, Capitol Hill
Distance: 9 miles
Average pace: 10:08 min/mile
Total Miles For April: 72 miles
Total Miles For 2016: 320 miles
Current Shoes: 446 miles

Rounded out the month with a 9-miler with John, Jerry, and Armand. Originally was shooting for 10 but was definitely dragging a bit; since John and Jerry were running a little less I decided that discretion and companionship was the better part of valor. (Also, through sheer coincidence, today marks 9 years with Charlie. Didn’t plan that, honest!)

A bit chilly

Start time: 4/28/2016, 5:40 & 6:00 am
Location: National Mall, Capitol Hill
Distance: 2.01 & 5.35 miles
Average pace: 8:34 & 10:04 min/mile
Total Miles For April: 63 miles
Total Miles For 2016: 311 miles
Current Shoes: 437 miles

Definitely a little cooler than the previous couple of days; one the bright side I nailed the correct weight of clothing for a change. (Sleeveless shirt with loose long-sleeve over it, no need for jacket or heavy hat or gloves.) Also I suppose I should start wearing my new running shoes soon.